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Privacy Policy

This Privacy and Data Protection Policy aims to demonstrate its commitment to protecting the privacy and personal data of its customers, partners and employees, in accordance with Federal Law No. 13,709/18 – General Data Protection Law – LGPD – which deals with the protection of personal data and its future changes, being supervised and implemented by the public administration body responsible for complying with the LGPD in the country – National Data Protection Authority – ANPD. This Policy also describes how and for what purpose personal information is collected and used. This Policy applies to all Holders who have their data processed, directly or indirectly, by SPIRIT Animation Studios® and must be followed by all its employees, customers and service providers, without exception, under penalty of sanctions being applied. indicated in this Policy.

SPIRIT Animation Studios® guarantees Personal Data Holders the following rights, in accordance with the LGPD:

1. Protection and confidentiality of Personal Data processed;
2. Confirmation of the existence of processing of your Personal Data;
3. Access to your Personal Data processed;
4. Correction of any incomplete, inaccurate or outdated Personal Data;
5. Anonymization, blocking or deletion of Personal Data that is unnecessary, excessive or processed in non-compliance with the provisions of the LGPD;
6. Portability of Personal Data to another service or product provider, upon express request from the Holder, in accordance with the regulations of the national authority, observing commercial and industrial secrets;
7. Deletion of Personal Data processed with the Holder's consent, except in the event of its need for maintenance by SPIRIT Animation Studios® in accordance with this policy and art. 16, of the LGPD;
8. Information about the public and private entities with which Personal Data was shared;
9. Information about the possibility of not providing consent and the consequences of refusal; It is
10. Revocation of consent, when this is the legal basis for the processing of Personal Data.

Any questions regarding the rights of the Holders may be addressed to SPIRIT Animation Studios®, in the person of its DPO, at the contact addresses indicated in this Policy.

SPIRIT Animation Studios®, its employees, representatives and service providers will only process Personal Data strictly necessary for the activities carried out, provided that all processing must be duly communicated to the Data Holders, accompanied by:
(i) the purpose for which such Data will be processed;
(ii) the legal basis for its processing, in accordance with the LGPD;
(iii) the identification and contact information of SPIRIT Animation Studios®, when Data Controller; It is
(iv) express reference and indication of the means of access to this Privacy and Data Protection Policy.

SPIRIT Animation Studios® may disclose the Personal Data processed to third parties only in the following situations and within the limits of the Law:
(v) With its collaborators/employees, when necessary to achieve the purpose of Data processing;
(vi) With service providers, when necessary for the provision of related services; It is
(vii) When necessary as a result of legal obligation, determination of competent authority, or court decision.

SPIRIT Animation Studios® may also disclose Personal Data, as necessary, in order to defend itself against claims or allegations from third parties, or for the purposes of protecting the safety and rights of its collaborators/employees, customers and/or service providers.

If there is a need for unplanned disclosure of Personal Data to any third parties, SPIRIT Animation Studios® will communicate such disclosure to the respective Owners, unless the communication is in any way restricted or prohibited by law or by court decision. Personal Data processed under this Policy will be deleted within a maximum period of 6 (six) months after the end of its processing by SPIRIT Animation Studios®, unless current legislation requires its conservation for a longer period.

Any doubts, inquiries, communications or requests related to the processing of Personal Data by SPIRIT Animation Studios® or its Service Providers may be directed to the department through the following channels:

Email: [email protected]
Letter addressed to “SPIRIT Animation Studios” at the address: Rua Herculano Carlos Franco de Souza, n° 579, Água Verde CEP 80240-290 Curitiba – PR

This Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policy must be kept available for access and/or consultation by all Data Holders, at any time, with information about its availability and company contact information in an easy-to-view location on the SPIRIT Animation Studios® websites.

Service Providers, customers and employees of SPIRIT Animation Studios® declare that they are fully aware of the terms of this Policy, and undertake to comply with it, as well as all provisions of the Law, being fully responsible for any violations of the rights of Data Subjects.

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+ 55 41 3779-6080
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Privacy policy | Terms of use
2019 Spirit Animation Studios ® All rights reserved